What does your style of Counselling look like?
A: My style is a client-centred approach, in which I believe the client has the answers within themselves, where they may have lost it along the way. I will be your guide and together we can uncover and process what lies beneath.
What type of therapies do I use? Simple answer, a combination of therapeutic approaches based on your individual need.
What can I expect in a Counselling
A: I let new clients get a 15min. initial phone consultation, as this way we can both see if we are a good fit. Most counsellors have specialized areas they are in and have a list of referrals if they think others would be a better fit. In the first session, we will get to know your background and how and why you decided to come to counselling. In this, we will explore your goal and different therapies and approaches that could help. Again, you're in the diver's seat and we are working together as a team, therefore honesty, self-responsibility and willingness are important.
What is your licence provider and can I get covered?
A: Everyone's insurance provider is different from what you have, I am licensed under CPCA (Canadian Professional Counselling Association), as well as CCPCP (Canadian College of Professional Counsellors & Psychotherapists), and this indicated that you can be covered within Canada, as long as your insurance provider covers. To find out you will have to call them and ask, as well as provide receipts to them.
The following list includes insurance providers who have approved CCPCP members' claims for mental health services. Approval of services and amount of remuneration may be determined by the insurance company based on the provider's qualifications and the terms of the client's coverage.
Pacific Blue Cross
Pacific Life
Great West Life
Victim Services and other providers
Can you Coach and/ or be my Counsellor if I live outside of Canada?
A: Yes, however, you most likely will not be covered and will have to pay without coverage.
What is the difference between Coaching and Counselling?
A: Coaching is going from where you are now forward, whereas Counselling takes you back to where it may have started in your past. Using a combination of Coaching and Counselling helps the full spectrum of helping you.
How long does Counselling last?
A: Sessions are 50min. minimum and there are extended sessions. How long the Counselling lasts is very individual. That being said the common therapy sessions in accordance to some can be between 6-12 sessions. However, this is usually based on the insurance provider, as well as a brief therapy session, and not you as an individual. You can not put a time limit on grief or growth. This is up to you individually.
When you have completed a goal or counselling session, this is where you could take a moment and really look at your amazing growth. Either you may end therapy or the counsellor for any reason.