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Explore Mindfulness in Counselling
with Veronica Chase

Life's ups and downs are inevitable. Ready for change? Feeling stuck? Struggling with relationships? At Veronica Chase Counselling and Coaching, we help you find clarity and better communication. Let's unlock your potential together.

As both a Life Coach and Registered Professional Counsellor, I bring a wealth of client-centred skills and a belief in the resilience each client holds within. Registered: RPC, CCPCP.

Veronica Chase leading a session

About Veronica

Our Services

Throughout life, our past behaviours and relationships shape us, often subconsciously. At Veronica Chase Counselling and Coaching, we help you dive deep into your beliefs, values, and self to find clarity and redefine your path forward.

Book a Free Consultation

From uncovering old patterns to establishing new, healthier ones, let's shed light on the thoughts or behaviours that no longer serve you. We will work together to recalibrate and realign with your true self for a brighter future.

Woodland Path

Free Resources

Want a free progress guide? It's the perfect starting point to understanding your journey and measuring your growth.

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